Henan GF New Energy Technologies Co., Ltd.
Certified with ISO9001, ISO14001, and ISO45001, GF has established robust standards for quality, environmental management, and labor management. Nowadays, we have maintained a complete supply chain, evolving into a specialized one-stop provider of solar product development, manufacturing, sales, logistics, and after-sales services.
GF is committed to growing together with our partners in the global solar energy industry, ensuring satisfaction through reliable service and continued innovation.

● Strong R&D capability.
● Professional in the field of solar tracker damper.
● Customized products as per customer's requirement.
● Follow industry development closely and keep updated.
● Complete & rigid control on quality and supply-chain.
● Sufficient production capacity.
● One-stop Customer-Focus service.
Products & Application
Oil damper / hydraulic damper - tracker system of solar farm / solar plant
Quality scheme: No defects for delivery
ISO9001 quality system methods & tools for each section from material incoming, fabrication, inspection to ensure 100% conformed delivery.
PDCA - Plan, Do , Check, Act
● Step 1 Plan - use 5W1H to find current quality problem and its root factor, set correct method and action plan● Step 2 Do - carry out the plan
● Step 3 Check- examine action results and compare with planned goal.
● Step 4 Act - conclude and improve
We eliminate or control potential risk factors that might cause quality problems mainly from labor, equipment, material, method, measurement and environment.
Labor - Operators are well trained both in mind and skills. Staff health is also our daily concern.
Equipment - Equipment and tools maintenance follow regular plan and ensure optimal process precision.
Material - Technical processes are elaborately improved in technical method, tooling and operation guide.
Measurement - Measurement tools follows international and industrial standard to ensure conformity with clients request.
Environment - Environment is properly maintained by 6S with comfortable lighting, ventilation, temperature and moisture.
Customer Commitment
GF is total committed with customer focus and satisfaction.
We help clients with our profession in product and also follow clients' requirements in design change, QC control, package, etc to enhance competitive strength in solar energy market.