

How Does NCU Work

How the Network Communication Unit Controls and Monitors the Tracking Control Unit

The Network Communication Unit (NCU) plays a critical role in managing and monitoring the Tracking Control Unit (TCU) in solar tracking systems. Here's how it achieves effective control and oversight:

1. Real-Time Data Transmission

The NCU enables real-time communication between the TCU and remote monitoring systems. It collects data from the TCU, such as:

This data is transmitted over a network, allowing operators to access current system status from anywhere.

2. Remote Control Capabilities

Through the NCU, operators can send commands to the TCU to adjust panel positions or modify tracking algorithms based on changing conditions. This remote control capability allows for:

3. Integration with Cloud Platforms

The NCU often integrates with cloud-based platforms for enhanced monitoring and control. Key features include:

4. Protocol Compatibility

The NCU is designed to communicate using various standard protocols (like Modbus, TCP/IP, or MQTT), ensuring compatibility with different devices and systems. This versatility allows for:

5. Monitoring Environmental Conditions

In addition to tracking solar panel performance, the NCU can monitor external environmental factors, such as:

By integrating this data, the NCU can optimize the TCU's performance based on real-time environmental conditions, further enhancing energy capture.


The Network Communication Unit is essential for the effective operation of the Tracking Control Unit. By enabling real-time data transmission, remote control capabilities, cloud integration, protocol compatibility, and environmental monitoring, the NCU ensures that solar tracking systems operate efficiently and effectively, maximizing energy production while minimizing downtime and maintenance needs.